Monday, 15 November 2010


Charmingly British British comedy enjoying itself, relishing its knowing surrealism, it felt excited to have been allowed onto a big screen, in a happy way a happy film.

Magic works well drawn as being of a non-specific time, and there is a skill in conjuring such time-less-ness, relying on the vagueries of nostalgia, the handmade, the worn, the ruined and the rural. Magic's portrayal also profits from facial hair (theologise that) and allusions to an unseen geography.

This film is a challenge to those inclined to a supernatural worldview, questioning how far one suspends disbelief to enter the main premise of this film. It also portrays an attractively redemptive use of the occult. Stripped of it's candles and steam punk paraphernalia, this is treasure hunting - to use St Mary's particular idiom, here we see holy fools sent out in pairs to speak seemingly pointless prophetic words from the beyond for the reconciliation of the present.

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